

Overeenkomst voor het stallen van voertuigen in een schuur of loods. Onze stallingsovereenkomst is geschikt voor particuliere en commerciële verhuur. Als basis heb je een verzekering tegen brand en inbraak nodig. Soms moet je ook een stallingsvergunning aanvragen (lees verder).
Lease Assignment Agreement

Lease Assignment Agreement

A lease assignment agreement includes arrangements about the transfer of a lease contract to someone else. The arrangements are passed to the new lessee without any changes. For catering establishments a specific model is available, because the brewery is a co-signatory too.
Holiday Home Rental Agreement

Holiday Home Rental Agreement

Comprehensive Holiday Home Rental Agreement for renting out a holiday home. This contract includes arrangements about the rent, rental period and a security deposit. Other elements as cancellation and cleaning are included as well.
Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy

Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy

A statement of satisfactory tenancy in which a former landlord states how a tenant's behaviour has been. Among other things, it states whether the rent was always paid on time, there was no nuisance and no rules were broken.
Lease Agreement Business Space

Lease Agreement Business Space

Comprehensive retail space lease agreement. This is a fixed-term contract for two or five years with an automatic extension. The duration is decided in consultation with the lessee. This Lease Agreement Business Space is also available in Dutch.
Lease Agreement Office Space

Lease Agreement Office Space

Comprehensive model agreement for a strong legal position of the lessor. This contract contains all arrangements. Download our lease agreement office space in accordance with Dutch law and fill in directly. This agreement is also available in Dutch.
Car Rental Agreement

Car Rental Agreement

Model of a car rental agreement. In this contract you can make arrangements about third party insurance, payment per kilometre, the rental fee and guarantee deposit. Once you download this document you can reuse it each time you rent out a car.
Land Use Agreement

Land Use Agreement

A land use agreement for a plot of land. You would like to lend the plot to someone else. You do not want to rent it out due to security of (agriculture) tenure. In that case loan for use is a good alternative. Download this template and fill in your details.